Preparing to be a Perfect Public Speaker


Posted October 30, 2014

Do you find yourself sweating bullets when you have to speak in front of a group of people? Do your palms get clammy and shake at the thought? You’re not alone. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 74 percent of people suffer from speech anxiety. Some symptoms of speech anxiety include shaking, sweating and rapid heartbeat.

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I have experienced speech anxiety more times than I can count. During my time in college, I competed on a national level speech and debate team. For THREE YEARS, I would wake up at 5 a.m. on the weekends and prepare to speak in front of various audience sizes in competition. What was I thinking?! Well to be honest, it was one of the best times of my life. That experience prepared me for my professional career and has helped me to master the art of public speaking. With all of the knowledge I have accumulated over the years, I feel that it will help to share some of my personal preparation tips for public speaking.  Give these a try and you’ll be on your way to becoming the perfect public speaker!

1. Prepare your speech

Whether you are hosting a meeting for work, a presentation for class or even (and especially) a eulogy, you should never just “wing it.” If given the opportunity, prepare your speech or even your thoughts by writing it down verbatim, or preparing a detailed outline. Chances are you will forget a very important thought if you don’t write it down beforehand. Take the time to organize your thoughts on paper.  This will be a lifesaver when you get in front of your audience and draw a blank on what you were planning to say.

2. Practice, Practice, Practice!

Once you have planned out what you are going to say, stand up and practice how you are going to say it. I think people underestimate the power of practicing. Practicing what you are going to say will help you to get out some of those nervous jitters you will have the day of your presentation and will allow you to fix any wording that might not be clear to your audience. You should also stand up and practice in front of the mirror to see what you look like to your audience. Some people develop nervous ticks when public speaking. Catch those bad habits while practicing in the mirror and make adjustments when necessary.

3. Get a good night of sleep

Public speaking can use up a lot of your physical energy as your body starts to react to the nerves. Logging seven to eight hours of sleep the night before will prepare you for that. Plus, you don’t want to be in front of a group of people who can clearly identify the physical signs of lack of sleep (ex. Dark under-eye circles, puffy eyes, blood shot eyes, etc.).

4. To eat or not to eat…that is the question

Eating a light, healthy breakfast will give you some added energy to start your day—duh, that’s why it’s the most important meal of the day. However, if you are anything like me where just the thought of food too early in the morning will give you a stomach ache, stay far, far away from food. Sometimes my nerves would get the best of me and instead of reaping the benefits of eating breakfast, I would be focused on not vomiting in front of the people I’m speaking to. Gross, I know, but let this be a lesson for you to consider. Also, if you are a coffee drinker, try to skip it until after you speak. The caffeine in the coffee will contribute to any body-shaking you might experience if nerves take over.

5. Look good, feel great

When you are preparing to speak publically, it is important for you to look your best. Think about all of those times you knew you looked amazing, didn’t you feel confident about yourself? Don’t create added stress by worrying about how you look. Plan out (and try on if necessary) your outfit the night before. This will not only leave you feeling happy about how you look, but it will eliminate any last minute hassle the morning of, where you frantically ask yourself, “What should I wear?!”

6. Do NOT image your audience naked

Have you ever had someone tell you to just “imagine your audience naked” when you were preparing to speak in front of a group of people? Please, do not imagine your audience naked, in their underwear, in funny costumes, or whatever else you may have been advised to do. Instead, focus on having engaging conversation with each person in the room. Make eye-contact and treat each person like they are a personal guest of yours in your home. If you are speaking to a large group of people in a large auditorium setting, speak to the person sitting the furthest away to ensure everyone in between is receiving the same message. This will keep your audience engaged and they will enjoy listening to you speak.

Public speaking doesn’t come easy. It takes practice and confidence, and these are just a few tips that can help you towards preparing yourself for your next public speaking experience. If you have any suggestions or positive ways to prepare for a public speaking situation, please leave a comment below or use #planetbeach on your next Facebook, Twitter or Instagram post. We’d love to hear from you!

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