That Last Five Pounds


Posted October 14, 2015

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I’ve been trying to lose the same five pounds for years. Not five pounds of water weight but a real five pounds. I’ve tried a lot of different diets over the decades, including Paleo, Low-carb, Low-fat, and Weight Watchers. There are benefits to all of them but the truth is, the stricter it is, the harder it is to stick with. Which had brought me back to the basics. Burn more than I take in.

With the holidays coming, I know I’m not the only one worried about all the food and drink that come with the season. Keeping that in mind, I’m trying to lose that five pounds once again, hopefully with a little room to spare come that first holiday party. I’ve been eating lean and counting calories, which means I’m always looking for great low calorie recipes. Our friends over at Fitness Magazine have some great ideas in one of their latest articles, including 500 calorie dinners, 400 calorie lunches and 300 calorie breakfasts.

Combining good eating with our Hot Box Detox should render some great results, given that we can burn up to 800 calories during one session.

Share with me some of your strategies for keeping the numbers from creeping up the scale during these calorie laden months to come. Better yet, share some weight-loss tips that have worked for you.

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