Maximize Your Productivity with Planet Beach

Wellness Tips

Posted November 16, 2020

James Clear, author of the New York Times bestseller, Atomic Habits, defines productivity as the measure of efficiency of a person completing a task.  He goes on to explain that we often assume that productivity means getting more things done each day, however productivity is getting important things done consistently by maintaining a steady, average speed on a few things, not maximum speed on everything.  As the old proverbial saying goes,  “If you chase two rabbits, you will catch neither.”  To stay ahead of the game and achieve optimal productivity, it’s important to find your focus, complete one thing at a time and create the habit of consistency!

Find your Focus
Your ability to concentrate and focus is a learned skill.  In our technology driven world, it’s easy to get off the beaten path with incoming telephone calls, emails, instant chat messages and social media notifications. As I’m writing this blog, my dogs are barking in the background and somehow, I’ve mastered the skill of tuning them out. I’m sure with many adjusting to a work from home environment amidst the pandemic, you are faced with these little nuisances throughout the day and you have to dig deep to find your focus and stay on task.  The interruptions will always be there, so it’s important stay disciplined and focus on the task at hand.

Don’t Multi-Task
Just to reiterate, if you chase two rabbits, you will catch neither.  In a recent article published by Forbes, it was reported that multitasking reduces your efficiency and performance because your brain can only focus on one thing at a time. When you try to do two things at once, your brain lacks the capacity to perform both tasks successfully.  Research also shows that, in addition to slowing you down, multitasking lowers your IQ.  When tackling your to-do list, make a logical decision to focus on one task at a time so you can catch that rabbit!

It’s not only about getting it done, it’s about getting it done religiously. Creating productive habits is the key to success. Consistency is about repeating an action over and over again until it sticks.  Define your goals and take the time needed to master your skills.  Whether it’s starting a new business, a workout regime or learning to play an instrument, you must master the art of consistency to ultimately succeed.

In addition to finding your focus, completing one task at a time and being consistent, it’s important to rest and recharge your batteries from time to time.  Incorporating down time and finding the appropriate amount of  R&R is probably one of the most important elements of productivity.  Planet Beach spray & spa can help you relax, glow and renew with services and products that rejuvenate the mind and body.  Find a location nearest you to maximize your productivity.

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Written By: Jodie Mateu, VP of Special Events & Productivity

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