Total Wellness Principle #2: BREATHE!


Posted July 19, 2012

Breathing… what a simple principle that is so often overlooked. The hectic pace of today’s society causes us to take shallow breaths. I bet just reading that sentence, you took a deep breath because you realized that you WERE taking shallow breaths. Amazing isn’t it? All we need is a little reminder to take deep, mindful breaths every day.

Oxygen is a necessary component for every cell and tissue in our body. It gives us life and destroys harmful bacteria. When you aren’t taking deep enough breaths, you are not inhaling enough oxygen or exhaling enough carbon dioxide which can cause fatigue, mental fog and decreased tissue function. When you breathe deeply, your brain creates longer, slower brain waves – similar to when you are relaxed and calm. So deep conscious breathing can trigger this relaxation response, calming your mind and body.

Try this: Sit with your back straight (Indian style is best). Put one hand on your chest & the other on your stomach. Breathe in through your nose (hand on stomach should rise) and exhale through your mouth (hand on stomach should move). Count slowly as you exhale.  The first time breathe in for 1 second and out for 1 second. The second, in for 2 seconds, out for 2 seconds. Continue until you reach 10 seconds. Try to do this at least once a day. You’ll be amazed how much more relaxed you are.

A popular method of training yourself how to control your breathing is through Yoga, an ancient Indian healing technique made of different postures & poses. Yogic breathing techniques can provide great benefit for the human mind and body. It can release tension, strengthen the cardio vascular system, reduce anxiety & stress, and detoxify the body.

Staying active is a great way to increase oxygen flow through your body. Exercise increases oxygen flow to the brain, which reduces brain-bound free radicals. This can help increase mental alertness, concentration and memory.

There’s no denying it, breathing deeply is a key piece to the wellness puzzle. You need oxygen to function both physically and mentally. Make sure you’re taking the time to do some breathing exercises to maximize the benefits you receive from this vital element.

At Planet Beach, we offer Oxygen Therapy that can help you get the oxygen you need.  With our 95% pure oxygen machines, you can enjoy more energy and mental clarity in just a few minutes.  To put it in perspective, normal air has about 21% oxygen.  This boost of fresh air can help your immune system, reduce stress, give you energy, decrease recovery time from exercise, and alleviate migraines and sinus infections! Check out the details HERE!

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