Planet Beach Agrees: Happy People Live Longer, Study Shows


Posted November 16, 2012

Research shows a probable link between longer lifespans and happiness in the elderly

Planet Beach CoupleStudies show the happier you are, the longer you may live.

WebMD recently reported a study that further proves the importance of our mission to provide our members with relaxation and rejuvenation. And of course, we couldn’t be more pleased.

Last year, a United Kingdom study followed more than 3,800 people between the ages of 52 to 79 for five years. The study asked participants to rate their feelings of happiness and anxiety at different points throughout their day. Researchers found the people who reported feeling the happiest had a 35 percent lower risk of dying than those who reported high levels of unhappiness.

For some time, research has suggested a direct link between emotional well-being and longevity. Our mission at Planet Beach is driven by the need to address a growing concern plaguing our communities: increased stress and anxiety levels that can ultimately lead to illness, depression and a host of other negative side effects.

Thankfully, Baby Boomers are catching on. We’re seeing an increase in this demographic who seek Planet Beach services as they draw closer to retirement age. Our automated massages, facials and light therapy help them relax, which can lead to lower blood pressure and an overall higher quality of life. With this in mind, our younger demographic — especially those around the age of 35 — seem to be following suit to begin reaping the benefits early on.

Planet Beach OlderCouple


We’re at the leading edge of a shift in the way Americans think about wellness — as a necessity, not an option. As health care costs continue to rise, we’re looking forward to implementing even more ways to keep our communities relaxed and rejuvenated at our automated spa.


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