Enjoy the Holidays — Don’t Stress!


Posted December 14, 2012

Between your once a year hectic family get-together at your house and your Clark Griswold style dysfunctional Christmas lights, the holidays can get a little stressful. Planet Beach is here to help you not only get through the holidays but actually ENJOY it too! The holidays should be a time of celebration and joy, not stress.

Stress-Reducing Holiday Tips:

1)   Maintain a sense of humor!

Getting together with family and friends can sometimes be stressful. Maintain a sense of humor to promote closeness and harmony. Set aside your differences and enjoy the company.

2)   Shop Early & Online

Avoid the long lines and crowded mall parking lots. Online shopping allows you to shop at multiple stores without running all over town. Be sure to allow plenty of time for shipping and keep a written record of each purchase to stay on track

3)   Wrap as You Go

Wrap gifts as you buy them instead of leaving all the wrapping until the last minute. Stock up on more economical wrapping supplies by shopping the after-holiday sales for next year.

4)   Stay Pampered

No matter how long your ‘to-do’ list gets, remember to take the time to pamper yourself so you can re-focus and re-charge

5)   Don’t Splurge (well at least not too much)

There are ENDLESS opportunities to eat during the holidays, leading to weight gain, which can lead to MORE stress. So keep that in mind when you are attending all those holiday parties

6)   Don’t Over-Commit

You are ONE person. And you have a ton of things to juggle. You can’t make everybody happy all the time. Know your limits and stick to them.

Remember, the holidays should be fun! Follow these simple tips and you will avoid any unnecessary stress.

For more tips, make sure you visit our Facebook Page! 


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