I Heart Planet Beach
MembersYou’ll hear stories of forgotten anniversaries and birthdays, but here’s what I want to know- has anyone ever forgotten Valentine’s Day? Is that even possible?! If so, it would be extremely difficult since we’re reminded for an entire month and a half leading up to February 14th. Every year, without fail, all signs of snowmen, reindeer and mistletoe are swiftly replaced with hearts, chocolates, and teddy bears. Then, as soon as February 15th arrives, it’s on to the next commercial holiday!
What’s with all the pressure to show your significant other how much you love them on this one particular day? I’m not “anti-Valentine’s Day,” I just wish this one day wasn’t relied on so heavily to celebrate someone (or something) we love. Here’s an idea…I bet your significant other would feel even more loved and appreciated if you found ways to show them all month long. That’s exactly what we’re doing at Planet Beach!
In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, Planet Beach is celebrating love throughout the entire month of February. The love and appreciation we have for our members isn’t something that can be shown with flowers, candy, or jewelry. We’re passionate about helping others achieve their beauty and wellness goals and we want everyone to know it! I invite you to join us by using the hash tag #iheartplanetbeach to express what being a part of the Planet Beach family means to you.
Whether you’ve made Valentine’s Day plans with your significant other or not, don’t forget to celebrate the significant things in your life all month!