Motivation Monday – Push-ups Aren’t Just for Boys


Posted October 12, 2015


I’m a huge fan of Shape magazine. The advice and articles every month have been consistently helpful in building my knowledge of fitness. This month they have a piece on 8 Ways to Improve Your Push-up. Love these tips!

They also have a 30 day push-up challenge for those of us who haven’t done one in a while or maybe ever. It’s a slow progression that anyone could do unless they have some kind of injury. Of course, always see a doctor before starting any new program. But if you’re free and clear, this challenge could be a great way to start.

They’ve built rest days within the 30 day cycle, which would a perfect day to come in and see us for some rejuvenation with one of our spa treatments.

So, who’s with me? See photo to see the challenge in a snapshot, so you know what you’re getting yourself into. Write a comment below to join the challenge with me. We can hold one another accountable and have some fun while we’re doing it!


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