Teeth whitening service is in high demand at Planet Beach Contempo Spas

Study after study shows it — when people look at us, the first thing they notice is our smile — and sometimes our eyes. Smiling is healthy and often makes us less stressed, more attractive and can even help us live longer.

Smiles are contagious and smiling is the human expression that connects us. Bright, white teeth give us confidence – and Planet Beach Contempo Spa owners return customers.

Who doesn’t like to smile? People are insecure about the color of their teeth. Yellowed teeth have become a social stigma and people worried about their teeth often feel less attractive and have higher stress levels.

Although teeth whitening has been around for several years, new products are making it a trend among men and women of every age. Most consumers choose between inexpensive and often less effective over-the-counter teeth whitening or expensive cosmetic dentistry. Day spas are now offering professional teeth whitening that offers the results of expensive dental work at a fraction of the price, and Planet Beach Contempo Spas meets this growing trend with the Whiter Image Teeth Whitening system.

With Whiter Image, customers can whiten their teeth by four to six shades in just one session. The system uses premium grade LED lights, peroxide and heat, and the process carries no medical risks or side effects. Access to Whiter Image service is part of Contempo Spa’s affordable monthly membership fee and is scheduled by appointment.

Teeth whitening is fast becoming a standard day spa treatment and Planet Beach Contempo Spas are well positioned to take advantage of the growth in demand. People want to look — and feel — their best.

This is only one of the many health and wellness services available at our spas.

It’s a great way to burn up to 500 calories in a 30-minute session.

Laying down inside a SlimCapsule feels a bit like entering a compact, Space Age-style sauna. Just like a traditional sauna, the device heats up the body’s core temperature so it will burn calories, not only while you are inside the heated “pod” but for several hours afterwards.

Unlike a traditional sauna, a SlimCapsule covers your body only and leaves your head comfortably out, making it possible to stay inside for longer than a traditional sauna allows for.

The SlimCapsule is a new – and immensely popular — service offered by many of the Planet Beach Contempo Spa franchises. It’s appropriate for anyone who wants to lose weight or reduce cellulite. It also can benefit people with injuries or physical limitations that complicate workouts and exercise.

Here’s how it works. The body is tucked inside the capsule and heated with LED bulbs and heating elements. The head sticks outside the unit, while a fan blows cool air on the face. Before getting into the SlimCapsule, you apply lotion and oil to your “trouble areas.” These two products help break down cellulite. You also wear a zip-up suit that helps your body reach top temperatures.

The first SlimCapsule sessions get you to about 150 degrees. The temperature is increased in following sessions until your body core reaches 175 degrees, which is tolerable because your head is outside the station.  Sessions in the capsule last from 20-30 minutes.

Is it too hot? Customers say absolutely not because the cooling fan is very effective. You do work up a sweat and your core temperature rises, but that just means your body is burning calories. Built-in massage, ionizing air and aromatherapy, plus relaxing music, combine for an immensely relaxing experience.

That’s not all. Like a traditional dry-heat sauna, the SlimCapsule helps decrease stress and reduce muscle aches and pains.


Benefits include reducing fine lines and wrinkles, improving moisture and reducing imperfections

Before and After Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy is a healing strategy that makes use of red tinted light in order to stimulate the body’s natural defense systems and bring relief from various ailments.  It’s popularity has boomed with Planet Beach’s Contempo Spa visitors because it produces fast results for people with a variety of skin issues.

Planet Beach’s Lumiere facial has been popular since its introduction and now we are adding full-body red-light beds. In some cases, it is even possible to convert UV-therapy beds to red light therapy.

Red light therapy  uses heat and concentrated light to stimulate circulation, boost collagen production and enhance skin’s natural ability to heal. For Contempo Spa members, it can produce dramatic results in just a  few visits. The Lumiere facial and full body red light beds have become the most sought-after services at Planet Beach Contempo Spas as a result.

It is non-invasive treatment and does not contain ultraviolet rays. Waves from the infrared spectrum to penetrate skin tissue to a depth of up to 10 millimeters. This extra energy helps skin cells increase production of new collagen and enhance turnover of collagen and elastin fibers – key components for skin renewal.

Red light acne therapy helps teens with skin problems, by helping to clear out clogged pores. Facial red light therapy helps with nervous tics. In the same way natural sunlight helps with mild depression, red light sessions can improve moods and diminish depression in the winter months. If that were not enough, there are even claims that the stimulation of ATP in the body can help with various forms of sexual dysfunction in both men and women.

Adding the full-body option the range of health and wellness services already available cements Planet Beach Contempo Spas as an industry leader and innovator. The benefits of the red light therapy bulbs include reducing fine lines and wrinkles, improving moisture and reducing imperfections.

Have you tried red light therapy?