It’s been two months since all those New Year resolutions were made.  Did you stick with yours?

We hope the answer is YES!

Sometimes sticking to your workout regimes and eating healthy can be a challenge. We’ve put together some motivational tips to help keep you on track to reach your goals!

The first thing you need to remember is you made this resolution for a reason. Whether you wanted to lose weight and get in shape or just live a healthier lifestyle, there are reasons behind your resolutions.  Keep those reasons fresh in your mind each day to keep you moving in the right direction.

  • Make the Commitment – Commit to yourself to make permanent changes in your diet andexercise habits and STICK WITH IT!
  • Take Baby Steps – bring ealthy foods into your diet gradually. If you quit ALL junk food cold turkey, you’ll have a better chance of cheating later on.
  • Understand that you won’t be perfect – You WILL slip up from time to time. That’s normal. Don’t beat yourself up over it. When it happens, just recommit and get back on track!
  • Be Social About Your Goals – whether you share your progress on Facebook or with friends and family, the more of a support system you have, the better!
  • Get pampered – With all the hard work and dedication you put in, you deserve a little pampering. Make sure you stop by your local Planet Beach and get a massage or facial on a regular basis.
  • Cheer Yourself On – stick post-it notes around your house and office with motivational quotes or pin motivational images on Pinterest to keep you motivated and on track

Remember, this is something YOU want. It’s up to YOU to achieve it. Make smart decisions, don’t give in to temptation, work hard and reward yourself (not with food) and you will see amazing results.

Hang in there! Bikini season is almost here!

For more motivational tips, be sure to check our Facebook page!

A Spa Director’s Journey from the Shores of Miami to the Shores of the Red Sea.

To Christi Armstrong, Spa Director in Miami, FL, making a move to Egypt has been a rewarding yet challenging adventure.  We asked her to shed some light on her experiences so far as the Spa Director of a Planet Beach spa expected to open in March of this year in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

Christi Armstrong, Spa Director Planet Beach Egypt

1)   How did you first get involved with Planet Beach?

I was introduced to the company by my best friend who knew how much I loved the beauty industry.  She was a member at Planet Beach & she heard her location was looking for a Spa Director. I ended up interviewing and earning the Spa Director position at the Planet Beach in North Miami.

2)   What were you doing prior to Planet Beach?

I had been an esthetician for 10 years & before I came to Planet Beach I was an Asst. Spa Director for a spa on South Beach.

3)   What attracted you most to the brand?

The first thing was that I saw the success of the services. THEY WORK! Secondly, was the affordability.  I think everyone should have the opportunity to make themselves look & feel their very best.  Not just those who can afford a day at a traditional spa.  And of course, third was the time.  I love the idea that this can fit into everyone’s schedule. Stay at home mom, full-time student, demanding career, it doesn’t matter.  Planet Beach can accommodate you!

4)    How did the opportunity for the Egypt position come up?

I was contacted by our corporate office & asked if I would be interested in representing Planet Beach over in Egypt as a Spa Director for a new Master Franchisee.

5)   Why do you think you were selected?

I have been a Spa Director for Planet Beach for 6 years now in Miami, which is very much a tourist city so I had experience working with people of different cultures and languages.  I also think I was selected because I am very passionate about Planet Beach & I show this very well when I speak about the company which in turn makes them interested to inquire more about what we do. In a new market, this is very important.

6)   When did you make the move to Egypt?

I moved here to Sharm El Sheikh on October 23, 2012

7)   What was the hardest part about moving so far away?

Definitely the hardest part was leaving my family & friends.  Not being able to see them or talk to them whenever I want is very difficult. Thank goodness for Skype!! 

 8)   What has your experience been like so far?

So far my experience has been very challenging.  When you are working in a country where you do not speak the language, that is hard enough but I try to learn at least one new Arabic word every day. I’m still learning all the traditions & customs to better understand the philosophy of the culture.

9)   What has been the most exciting and interesting aspect?

Getting to know the country & the people has definitely been a very interesting aspect.  They are beautiful & kind-hearted people.  I am excited to be living in such a historical and amazing country.  The desert, the pyramids & the breath taking Red Sea are a few of the things I can’t get enough of.

10)   What is the complex like where Planet Beach will be opening?

My spa is located at The Sunrise Grand Select Arabian Beach Resort, which is an amazing hotel located right on the Red Sea in South Sinai. There are 4 main pools & 6 swim-up pools plus a ¼ mile of beach -front.  We have 7 different restaurants, an amazing nightclub and amphitheater.  In addition to all of that, there are stores for shopping so if you didn’t want to, you would never need to leave to resort.  It really is quite a spectacular place.

11)       How are you getting the word out there?  What type of marketing have you been doing?

Since most of our business will come from guests within the resort, we do our marketing through the travel agencies & through the Guest Relations of the hotel.

12)      When will the spa open?

The expected opening is mid March.

13)      What do you like most about living in Egypt?

I love learning about the culture. The people are so kind & genuine. Plus the food is delicious & I can say the weather is even better then in Miami…NO HUMIDITY!!

To learn more about franchise opportunities with Planet Beach, please read our Free Franchise Report! 

A Closer Look into the Life of Planet Beach Cover Model, LauRen Merola

LauRen Merola was born and raised in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania (but currently resides in Charlotte NC), where she was chosen as Miss Pennsylvania USA in 2008 and placed in the TOP 5 at Miss USA.  She is also a professional dancer, cheering for the NFL’s Miami Dolphins and the NBA’s Charlotte Bobcats. After working on the Steelers Sports show “The Jeff Reed Show”  LauRen has launched a successful career in Sports Broadcasting all over the world, working in both TV and Radio markets from Miami to Mumbai India.

In 2012, LauRen learned about the opportunity to become a Cover Model for Planet Beach. Her upbeat personality, thirst for competition and genuine love for the brand solidified her position as one of the Top 5 Cover Models chosen to represent Planet Beach in 2013.

Let’s take a closer look into the life of LauRen!

LauRen Merola - Body Campaign


Q: How did you hear about the Planet Beach Cover Model Competition? What inspired you to participate?

A: While I was using one of the Planet Beach spas in Miami, someone asked me if I was interested in the model search and thought I would be a good fit to represent the company. I have modeled for years but have always wanted to do something bigger than just taking a photo. I wanted to be the FACE of a product I believed in!

Q: What is your favorite Planet Beach spa service and why?

A: The Saunatox! I am a TRUE believer in relieving your body of bad toxins. I eat pretty organic and use products enriched with natural and organic ingredients but nobody’s perfect and I do cheat. So the Saunatox is exactly what I need to get back on track and feel great!

Q: What is your favorite Planet Beach product and why?

A: I would have to say the Indulge Instant meal! I replaced my old protein shakes with them as the caloric value was pretty comparable, if not better. The Indulge tasted better and had a lower glycemic index so I stopped getting that sugar crash an hour after I drank it.

Q: Why are you the perfect spokesmodel for the Planet Beach Body campaign?

A: My entire life has revolved around health, fitness and a passion to help others so I feel I am a perfect fit for this campaign! I understand and appreciate true beauty and I hope to set an example for women to find the beauty within. I hope to inspire and instill confidence in Planet Beach members across the globe.

Q: What are your goals as a Planet Beach Cover Model?

A: I think it’s imperative to show the world how important it is to take care of your mind and body. I plan to do that by merging my business savvy personality with my love for Planet Beach’s spas and products. This is a booming industry and I daydream about having the opportunity to run a Planet Beach of my own one day!

Q: Describe the Planet Beach company in three words.

A: Who needs 3? HEAVEN. Okay, okay, how about ALL. YOU. NEED.

Q: What has been your highlight so far as a Cover Model?

A: I would say working with our crew behind the scenes in Mexico. It’s nerve wracking sometimes working with new people on a new project, but we had so much fun and they made us feel so comfortable. I felt like we had been working together for years. It’s long days trying to get the perfect shot…but time flies when you’re having fun!

Q: What is your most embarrassing moment? We all have one! (at least!)

A: Well, I love to dance and I do it sometimes to shake off jitters. Well I guess I shook off more than that. I was competing in a pageant when I was younger and about to go on stage for the Evening Gown competition and a pad in my dress came loose and fell out of the bottom. I tried to kick it off the stage before anyone saw but it was too late. Needless to say, I’ve sewn those bad boys in since then!

Q: What is your career aspiration?

A: To “have it all.” I have had a great broadcasting and modeling career and I am married to the man of my dreams, but I hope to one day be a successful entrepreneur and a “super” Mom!

Q: If you could have dinner with one figure in history and ask them any one question, who and what would it be?

A: One person that I’ve always been inspired by is Giuliana Rancic. She is an Italian American Broadcaster like myself but she has been through so much and has had the strength to share it with the world…from her marriage and having breast cancer to infertility and having a baby through a surrogate. I would ask her how she did it, while never losing herself or her career.


FACT! Using Planet Beach Slim Capsule, Members Say You CAN!

At Planet Beach, we’re always looking for ways to help our members look and feel good about themselves. The Slim Capsule has definitely made its mark in the spa industry and I suspect it will continue to be one of the most popular services we offer!

So what is a Slim Capsule, you ask? Picture a futuristic, space-age type capsule with a door sort of like the Back to the Future Delorean…cool I know!

Planet Beach Slim Capsule

Once inside of the capsule, the magic begins! 

Just like a traditional sauna, the device heats up the body’s core temperature so you can benefit from weight management benefits both during your session AND after!

UNLIKE a traditional sauna, your face remains outside of the heated compartment with a cooling air fan keeping you comfortable throughout the session.

To enhance your results and experience increased benefits, apply our special Planet Beach Body products prior to the session and wear a sauna suit to help your body reach optimal temperatures.

The first Slim Capsule session will get to about 150 degrees. In following sessions, the temperature is increased until your body reaches 175 degrees, which believe it or not is not uncomfortable because your head remains outside of the unit. Each session lasts approximately 20 to 30 minutes and includes LED light technology, dry heat, massage, ionizing air, and aromatherapy. Couple that with some relaxing spa music and you’re in for a treat!

Relax AND slim and smooth your body…who would have thought the combination could exist!

Our customers have seen amazing results with the Slim Capsule including reducing the appearance of cellulite, stress relief, weight loss and so much more!

With our 1st Quarter Weight Management campaign in full swing, now is a great time to try this service and some of our other Weight Management services. You can choose three weight management sessions now for ONLY $39!

To find a spa nearest you, click HERE!

To read more about the Slim Capsule, click HERE!

Make sure you follow us on Facebook for weight management tips!

Weight Management spa services and products can help you on your way to a leaner, tighter physique.

New Year ‘get healthy, get fit’ resolutions are in full swing and we are rising to the occasion once again with our popular BODY campaign running now until the end of March. Planet Beach weight management services and products are the perfect complement to any fitness regime, helping you tighten and tone those stubborn areas. 

Our special promotion offers non-members a chance to try out Planet Beach services prior to joining so they can experience the amazing benefits of a Planet Beach membership. For a limited time, customers can try three weight management services that may include the Slim Capsule, Saunatox and customer favorite, Hydration Station for a one time fee of $39. These services can help you lose inches, burn calories, rid the body of toxins and so much more.

To learn more about this special promotion, click HERE!

Make sure you find us on Facebook for tips on getting healthy and fit this new year!

To find a spa nearest you, click HERE!

We understand the wants and needs of our members and franchisees and we will continue to evolve in our use of technology to meet them.

If you were to tell me 20 years ago that we’d have computers as cell phones….or cell phones period… I probably would have laughed at the prospect. How times have changed.

Planet Beach Forges Ahead with New Technologies

These days, our entire world revolves around the use of technology.  From smart TVs and phones to smart refrigerators and cars, today’s generation relies heavily on technology to work, play and socialize. As a growing franchise, we understand the wants and needs of our franchisees and customers and we are continually incorporating new and innovative technologies into our mix to meet them.

Some ‘tech-y’ programs already in the mix include our custom branded e-catalog, which is an online tool explaining all the services and products we offer with voiceover narration and custom animations. You can view our e-catalog here:  We also have our own custom branded social networking platform called pbCrew where our franchisees can interact with their members and customers in a social setting to promote in-spa specials and events.

The newest technology we’ll be rolling out in the near future is our Planet Beach smart phone app. This tool will have all the latest deals and specials, a location finder with direct phone links, and even a feature where customers can book spa appointments! The app will be finalized and presented at our Annual Planet Beach Convention in

Surprise, surprise… exercise is GOOD for you. But do you know HOW good? By exercising regularly, you can:

– Control your weight by burning calories
– Combat health conditions like heart disease and high cholesterol
– Boost your energy by improving muscle strength and endurance
– Improve your mood by stimulating brain chemicals to make you feel happier and more relaxed

So ok, you know exercise can help your health, mind, and spirit but how much do you need? According to the Department of Health, you should aim to do at least 30 minutes of moderately intense cardio five times a week. This includes things like brisk walking, bike riding and swimming. In addition, you should do 20 minutes of vigorously intense cardio three days a week, which are things like running and aerobic dancing (like Zumba). Finally, you should do 8-10 strength-training exercises two times a week.

If you have a specific goal in mind like weight-loss or muscle gain you will need to adjust your exercise routine to accomplish this goal. You should consult your doctor and a certified trainer before engaging in any physical activity.

After you’ve decided on the goal you are trying to accomplish, you need to choose an exercise that will not only accomplish your goals but keep you motivated too. Researchers have found that if you choose an exercise you enjoy, you are much more likely to stick to it. Use the buddy system to help. Find a friend and get moving! There are TONS of options when it comes to exercising. Take a kickboxing, pilates, cycling or zumba class, go bike riding, find a local boot camp, or go for a swim.

But first, make sure you stretch! Stretching is the key to a great workout. Stretching before you exercise can improve flexibility, increase mobility & endurance, and can help alleviate muscle soreness and stiffness. It’s just as important to stretch after your workout!

So pick your goal, choose your exercise and have some fun while reaping the many health benefits of getting in shape! Then, stop by your local Planet Beach to relax those muscles!

Planet Beach has a variety of products and automated spa services to complement any exercise regimen. We have several services that can help you achieve your wellness goals. Our massage services can help alleviate muscle soreness and stiffness after a workout while our weight management services like Saunatox and SlimCapsule can give your routine a boost. Ask a spa consultant about some other benefits of these services!

In addition to services, our all-natural nutrition products like Indulge meal replacement can help you achieve your wellness goals. This high protein, nutrient-rich shake is great for breakfast, as a meal replacement or a healthy snack between meals! Click each category to learn more about our MASSAGES, WEIGHT MANAGEMENT SERVICES AND NUTRITION LINE.

Are you getting your beauty sleep?

We all love sleep. Sleep makes you feel revitalized, but its significance goes far beyond just lifting your mood and banishing under-eye circles. Sleep is a key component of total wellness that benefits your heart, mind, weight and more!

Sleep is an active state affecting both your physical & mental well-being. When you sleep, your body rests and restores energy. A good night’s sleep is often the best way to help cope with stress, solve problems, or recover from illness.

So how much sleep do you need? The amount of sleep each person needs varies depending mostly on age and level of physical activity. Infants need 16 hours of sleep a day, while teenagers typically require 9 hours. For most adults, 7 to 8 hours is sufficient although as few as 5 or as many as 10 may be required.  As a general rule of thumb, if you feel drowsy during the day or if you routinely fall asleep within 5 minutes of lying down, you probably haven’t had enough sleep!

You’re life is full of daily responsibilities. Whether its work, taking care of the kids and spouse, running errands, working out, they ALL wear you down. Despite the fact that you’re completely exhausted at the end of the day you STILL can’t get enough sleep. Here are some helpful tips to get a better night’s sleep!

First of all, you need to let go and relax after a long day. You deserve it!  Take a warm bath, read a book or do another relaxing activity before bed. You can train your brain to associate certain restful activities with sleep. Make them part of your bedtime routine to make it easier to get to sleep so you can wake up refreshed and completely revitalized to take on the day!

Set a sleeping schedule and don’t veer from it. Go to bed at a set time each night and wake up at the same time each morning. “Sleeping in” on the weekends resets your sleep cycle for a late awakening, making it harder to wake up early on Monday morning.

If all else fails, and you STILL can’t get to sleep, don’t just lie in bed awake. The anxiety of not being able to fall asleep just makes things worse. Watch TV, read a book or listen to music until you feel tired.

The amount of sleep you get contributes to your overall wellness in a variety of ways so make sure you get enough of it to keep you strong and healthy!

Planet Beach can help you relax before heading home after work, making it a little easier to get to sleep at night.  Try one of our massages, a facial, oxygen therapy, guided meditation or a combination of these to ease your mind before heading home.  These services can do wonders for your overall wellness and help you get the sleep you need! Read more about these services HERE!

In light of our Cover Model, Jodie’s campaign for Total Wellness, we want to give you some helpful tips for keeping you healthy & strong. There are 7 basic principles for achieving total wellness: THINK — BREATHE — HYDRATE — EAT — SLEEP — EXERCISE — DETOX. Every week, we’re going to give you some information and tips for each principle through our Facebook, Twitter & Planet Beach Social Network. This week we talked about the first principle:  THINK!

Wellness Principle #1: THINK

The first of the seven principles of total wellness deals with our thoughts and mental well-being. No matter how physically strong you are, you cannot attain total wellness without the mind’s power to support you. When you’re mind and your body are in complete synergy, you will live a much healthier, happier and more fulfilling life.

Consider your internal thoughts for a moment. Your thoughts play a vital role in your emotional, physical, and mental development. You must learn to change any thoughts of self- doubt into thoughts of encouragement and motivation. Yes, easier said than done I know but you have to start somewhere. Negative thoughts drain you of energy.  When you catch yourself thinking a negative thought, reject it and think a positive one instead. Visualize success. When you say you can’t, say you CAN. If you think something is impossible to achieve, most likely you WON’T achieve it…not because you can’t but because you lack the mind power to push you. You’ll be surprised what you can do if your mind is in the right place.

It’s important to attend to your mental well-being every day. Take a few small breaks each day to relax. Sort through your thoughts and emotions and turn your focus to solutions.  If in doubt, LAUGH at yourself. Laughter is great therapy to reduce stress and relax. Did you know they even have Laughter YOGA?!  Google it…It’s real.

Another way to be on the path to mental wellness is to try something new and unfamiliar. Find a new hobby, take a photography class, enjoy a musical, or watch the history channel. Challenge your mind.

Setting goals for yourself is something that will help boost your confidence and set you on the path to total wellness. However, it’s not enough to just set a goal and forget about it. You must develop habits in order to achieve it. Some experts say it takes about a month of consistent behavior for something to become a habit. So try it! Might take you a little longer or maybe even less time to form your habit. But stick to it. Don’t take ‘no’ for an answer.

Bottom line to mental wellness: Believe in yourself… believe in the seemingly impossible and you’ll be surprised at what you can achieve.

At Planet Beach, we can help you on the path to mental wellness. Our stress reduction therapies are designed to provide you the mental break you need to find clarity and focus for the rest of your day.

With our lives becoming more and more hectic each day, finding a moment to unwind and gather focus is hardly an easy task. But with our Cloud 9 or Guided Meditation system, you can slip on some insulated headphones and let your mind free itself of anxiety, stress and fear. You will quickly discover a state of peace and tranquility. To find a Planet Beach spa nearest you, click HERE!