Yoga. You know it, maybe you love it. But if you don’t, maybe it’s time to pull up a chair (or a mat) and let’s look at the facts. Better yet, let’s look at the facts AND let’s draw a parallel to the beloved, breakthrough HOT BOX DETOX, Planet Beach’s latest and greatest spa addition. Both are amazing, calorie shedding platforms that promote the same benefits; this blog post shall highlight the necessity of considering integrating this lifestyle into your own.
     First, let’s talk about the Hot Box Detox because, to be honest, we can’t stop bragging about it! This SOCIAL workout combines the benefits of infrared sauna therapy and isometric body postures in sequence to give you the perfect 30 minute spa detox session. As the infrared heat penetrates your body causing serious sweat, the isometric postures squeeze toxins from your internal organs, and the combination provides a massive calorie burn! Best of all, it fits you and two friends, so the work out is private, effective, and lots of fun!
     Infrared heat loosens the muscles, allowing  extra flexibility for maximizing the most out of every position and challenge of the work out. The benefits of infrared sauna therapy are vast and include pain relief, stronger immune system, blood pressure reduction, wound healing, cellular health, skin purification, improved circulation, cellulite reduction, and collagen repair. The advantages of isometric posturing are also well known, and include increased blood flow, fat burning, bone strengthening, increased metabolism, lowered cholesterol, and weight loss. As an added benefit, these combined features result in Hot Box Detox being a huge source of stress relief!
     Both of these promote a POWER HOUSE calorie burn! Hot Box Detox stays at a cozy 110 degrees, versus the 105 degrees at which most Bikram classes sit, so both have the heat cranked to ensure a good sweat and promoted flexibility. Bikram is a 90 minute class and, on average, participants burn about 445 calories an hour, so about 712 for the session. Participants in the 30 minute Hot Box Detox work out burn over 800 calories! Wow!
     While doing research on facts surrounding the brilliance of Bikram, I found this article to be most helpful in supplying enlightening mental and physical preparation for all you hot fitness neophytes out there. We found that these tips worked out swimmingly for Hot Box Detox, as well, especially the need to consume LOTS AND LOTS OF water.
     What motivates you to work out? What sort of atmosphere works best for your fitness success?

It’s been two months since all those New Year resolutions were made.  Did you stick with yours?

We hope the answer is YES!

Sometimes sticking to your workout regimes and eating healthy can be a challenge. We’ve put together some motivational tips to help keep you on track to reach your goals!

The first thing you need to remember is you made this resolution for a reason. Whether you wanted to lose weight and get in shape or just live a healthier lifestyle, there are reasons behind your resolutions.  Keep those reasons fresh in your mind each day to keep you moving in the right direction.

  • Make the Commitment – Commit to yourself to make permanent changes in your diet andexercise habits and STICK WITH IT!
  • Take Baby Steps – bring ealthy foods into your diet gradually. If you quit ALL junk food cold turkey, you’ll have a better chance of cheating later on.
  • Understand that you won’t be perfect – You WILL slip up from time to time. That’s normal. Don’t beat yourself up over it. When it happens, just recommit and get back on track!
  • Be Social About Your Goals – whether you share your progress on Facebook or with friends and family, the more of a support system you have, the better!
  • Get pampered – With all the hard work and dedication you put in, you deserve a little pampering. Make sure you stop by your local Planet Beach and get a massage or facial on a regular basis.
  • Cheer Yourself On – stick post-it notes around your house and office with motivational quotes or pin motivational images on Pinterest to keep you motivated and on track

Remember, this is something YOU want. It’s up to YOU to achieve it. Make smart decisions, don’t give in to temptation, work hard and reward yourself (not with food) and you will see amazing results.

Hang in there! Bikini season is almost here!

For more motivational tips, be sure to check our Facebook page!