For the past few months we have been completely focused on bringing you tips for overall total wellness. These are principles that we hope that you will integrate into your overall daily lives, as they are important to follow all year round.

However, for the next few months we will be focusing on Relaxation.

The rest of the year will be an entertaining, exciting, though, stressful time. It always is. All of the wonder and splendor of the fall and winter seasons, complete with more holidays than any other time of year can take a toll on your sanity.

The changing of the seasons means less long, sunny days to brighten your mood. The hustle and bustle of the holidays can put stress on you with all of the shopping and parties and travel, all the while still trying to stay focused and on top of your work schedule.

This is why we at Planet Beach feel it’s important for all of us to remind ourselves to take a little time to relax whenever we can.  We will be sharing tips and ideas on the best ways for you to stay feeling relaxed through even the most stressful time of year.

Remember: As always, a trip to Planet Beach will leaving you feeling relaxed, rejuvenated, and ready to conquer the world!

Congratulations! You’ve (nearly) made it to the end of our Total Wellness principles!

Of course, no tips for total wellness could be complete without our 7th tip: Exercise! It also happens to be National Women’s Fitness Day, so this is the perfect principle to end with!

Exercise is one of those little things that we all know we should do more of, but we often find all types of excuses as to why we can’t or why we don’t have the time to fit exercise into our daily schedule.

Exercise shouldn’t just be something we do when we want to lose a few pounds for an event or bikini season. Exercise needs to be a part of our lifestyle.

Yes, I know it’s hard. That’s why it’s called a workout. You have to put in the work!

But the great thing about exercise is that ANYONE can do it. There are so many different types of workouts that would fit into your lifestyle.

You say you don’t have time? Too much to do? No energy? EXCUSES! Remember: This is for you. Don’t you deserve to achieve total wellness in your life? Find your balance and start making your health and well being a priority.

Go for a walk/run. Buy a DVD. Join a gym. Find a bootcamp. Sign up for a zumba/yoga/barre class.

Whatever it is, just get moving!

Within a few weeks you will notice the difference. You will start to feel and look amazing.

Need a few tips on where to get started? Follow our Stay Active board on Pinterest! We’ll keep it fresh to help you stay motivated to move!

What is detoxing, exactly? And why is it important for total wellness?

The truth is, we are hard on ourselves. Our physical selves, inside and out, as well as our emotional selves, can sometimes get tired or drained. We may eat right and exercise, but we can still have that sluggish, defeated feeling. The reality is, sometimes our bodies just need to reboot, and that’s where the detox comes in.

If you want to free yourself of toxins and rejuvenate your body, then you need a DETOX session!

Truth be told, there are thousands of different types of detoxes out there. I’m serious. Just google it. There are liquid diets and fruit diets and vegetable diets. All of these claim to detoxify your body and get you feeling fresh and vibrant in a matter of days! I have tried a few of these, and really, it comes down to you and what you select as your best fit.

Personally, when doing a detox, I focus on a diet high in natural fibers such as fresh fruits and vegetables– more vegetables than fruits. I make sure to drink water and only water for the duration of my detox in order to flush out my system. This helps with cleansing of the inner organs such as the liver.

Hot water with fresh lemon juice is said to naturally flush out toxins in your body, so I suggest starting and ending each day with a cup of it. Just replace your normal first cup of coffee and your evening tea for a few days and you should be good to go. You may even find this to be a beneficial addition to your daily routine even when you are not in detoxify mode.

Additionally, Planet Beach offers multiple services that detoxify your body. For instance, the SlimCapsule and the Saunatox help you to sweat out toxins through your pores. Think of it like a steam facial for your body. Opening up and freeing your pores. You can even shave off a few pounds.

Detox is an easy way to boost your system. Just remember, two or three days is a good start, or five if you’re dedicated; just don’t go overboard. Two weeks on a strict liquid-only detox diet could damage your body more than rejuvenate it.

Not to mention, you’d be pretty grumpy and miserable during that time! And no one wants that.

We all know that sleep is important… not to mention one of the greatest things in the universe!

I, like you, LOVE to sleep. We’re always looking to hit the snooze button and get just ten (or 20) more glorious minutes of sweet, satisfying sleep before getting up for work, or school, or whatever it is that causes you to be a called a semi-responsible person. Still, studies have shown that we are getting less and less sleep everyday.

We’re trying to do it all. Be every woman.

We want to go above and beyond at work; we want to give all the time and attention that our children can possibly ask for; we want to nurture our relationships with our significant others, family, friends, coworkers; and we want to look flawless doing it!

You might ask me, “What’s wrong with that?” Well, in a perfect world? Nothing. But, in our world, trying to do it all and be it all usually means shaving off a few minutes of sleep.

The average adult needs between seven (7) and nine (9) hour of sleep to function at our peak healthy levels. Yet, most of us get six (6) or fewer hours of sleep each night.

We have to do better. So, let’s start here and now!

The National Sleep Foundation (Yes, that’s a real thing) has a few tips to help you with your sleep hygiene:

  • Go to bed at the same time each night and rise at the same time each morning.
  • Avoid large meals before bedtime.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime.
  • Avoid nicotine.

Remember, sleep is directly associated to your overall health and well-being. Which means, the less sleep you have each night, the less energy and focus you have to devote to your work, family, friend, and, most importantly your general wellness.

So, get some more sleep. You’re body’s begging you for it!